Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Track wiring stage 4

Not going to bore with pictures of wire under the track but this part of stage 4 now wired up and I am running trains. The extra wiring you see is for the reversing loop, point motor and bus wire for stage 4 ready to be connected to the main bus when stage 1 is constructed

When I have trains running I get inspired to carry on, so all this section of track was tested and passed and a enjoyable day or two of testing running locos up the grade

 The relief picture you see is the Wherearewe wheat silos, as I haven't enough room for a model of the silos, I am using a picture glued onto a piece of MDF on the facia next to the Wherearewe wheat silo sidings

installing the landform

Been a long time between posts, but will slowly bring it up to date,, basic shape of the land form now in place, now to cut and shape the...

How it Started